It’s a stat…and that’s that! – Asset Returns report for Q1 2019 – Global Equity universe

This week we focus on the Global Equity universe in our Asset Returns report for Q1 2019.

  • Over a 1 year and 3 year period up until the end of 31st March 2019 the median returns in the global equity universe are higher for vehicles that classify themselves as Growth in comparison to vehicles that classify themselves as Core and Value.
  • Over 3 years up until the end of 31st March 2019, median returns in the Global Equity Growth universe outperformed the MSCI World U$ – Total Return Index, while median returns in the Global Equity Core and Global Equity Value universes slightly underperformed this index.
  • Over 3 years up until the end of 31st March 2019 there is an annualised spread of 30% between the top performing product and bottom performing product in the Global Equity Core universe.

To see more analysis across a range of asset classes in equity, fixed income and multi asset please
log in to CAMRADATA Live to view our Asset Returns reports. Q1 2019 coming soon!