Assisted Research: Global Fixed Income – GFI091023 – Friday 16th February

A UK Advisor to an insurer is using CAMRADATA to seek Solvency II Global Fixed income capabilities.

All funds being proposed must be listed in CAMRADATA Live and returns must be up to date i.e. to 31st December 2023. If you would like to put a fund, or a number of funds, forward for this search, then you must, in the first instance, contact CAMRADATA with the name of the fund that you would like to propose.

Please note: WE NO LONGER ACCEPT QUESTIONS OVER EMAIL. Please post any questions regarding this search onto the CAMRADATA Live ‘Assisted Searches Forum’ and we will endeavour to answer these as quickly as possible.

Asset ClassFixed Interest
DeadlineFriday 16th February 2024
Management ApproachSuitable fixed interest portfolio for solvency matching
Geographical FocusGlobal
CurrencySterling denominated / US$ denominated now also being considered
Structure Pooled or Segregated?Either will be considered
Performance TargetThis will be driven by 1- 5 year term and risk subject to A- rating
Size of Potential Mandate£100m
Track Record3 year track record
Additional RestrictionsMust be able to accommodate capital solvency II AA requirements
StageInitial Research

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