Absolute Return Fixed Income – ARB498

Assisted Search ARB498
Deadline: Monday 5th April 2021

A UK Consultant is using CAMRADATA Live to search for Absolute Return Bond strategies for one of their DB Pension Fund clients. If you would like to put a vehicle, or a number of vehicles, forward for this search then you must contact me with the name of the vehicle(s) that you would like to propose by Monday 5th April 2021.   

All funds being proposed must be listed in CAMRADATA Live, and returns must be up to date i.e. to 31st December 2020.

Assisted searches are run on behalf of institutional investors with specific search requirements. You are able to participate in this and all other Assisted Searches if you subscribe to CAMRADATA Live.

Search Requirements

DeadlineMonday 5th April 2021
Asset ClassAbsolute Return Bonds
Geographical EmphasisGlobal
Performance Target3m Libor +2-3% gross

Size of potential mandate
£10 million
Track RecordNot specified

To submit a fund please email info@camradata.com